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Many people get the LCD screen specifications in English,Many little friends who have just touched the LCD screen have no way to start,What exactly are so many pages talking about?How to confirm whether this is the desired product?

in fact,The LCD screen specifications seem to be very long,When choosing specifications,The main thing to look at is a few parameters,Let me teach you how to read the LCD specifications.

Will you read the LCD specifications

The most important page in a specification is this page,Figure 1 includes the main parameters for selecting the LCD screen,Such as size, resolution, viewing angle direction, working temperature, storage temperature, size of display area, and interface type;

Will you read the LCD specifications

Figure 2 is mainly the structural drawing of the external dimensions of this product,This is also a very important parameter to determine the selection,It contains the dimensions of the shape,The size of AA area,And thickness,There is also the type length of the FPC interface,Size and other specifications,Drawings are particularly important parameters for the design structure;

Will you read the LCD specifications

Figure 3 these are also more important,Let you know the brightness, viewing angle range, contrast and other information of this LCD screen in the selection;In fact, the LCD screen specifications are much the same.Not afraid of being in English,The main thing to look at is the parameters of these three pages,You can roughly determine whether the product specifications are needed;Of course the LCD screen specification is very complete and detailed.The content inside is useful,Many subdivided parts are technologies that need to be referenced at different stages;

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